Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Cat and The Fox

Once upon a time there lived a man.  That man had a cat.  The cat was such trouble, that the man was sick and tired of him.  So, the man decided to get rid of his cat.  He put his cat in a sack, took the sack to the forest, and left it there.

The Cat found his way out of the sack and after hours of wondering around the forest, he stumbled upon a cottage.  So, he climbed up to the attic and made himself a nice sleep cot. 

During the day, The Cat went to the forest.  He hunted for birds and mice.  He ate well and went back to his cot in the attic of the cottage he stumbled upon.  What a life!

One day The Fox was passing by.  She saw The Cat and admired him, “What a marvelous animal!  I’ve lived in this forest for many years, but never met someone quite like this!”

She bowed and asked The Cat,
- Tell me, fine fellow, who are you?  Where did you come from?  What is your name?

The Cat lifted out of his chest, put his paws on his hips, raised his chin and replied,
- My name is Sir Cat Meowstrong.  I come from the Siberian forests to be a warrior in yours.

- Oh, dear Sir Cat Meowstrong, - said The Fox, - I knew nothing about you and your arrival.  Please, come with me, be a guest at my house.

The Cat agreed without much thought.  So, they went to The Fox’s house for dinner.  The Fox went the great lengths to cook and serve the best for her guest – all the delicacies she had in her cupboard.

While feeding The Cat, The Fox were wondering,
- Sir Cat Meowstrong, are you married?  Are you single?
-Single, - murmured The Cat.
- Oh, how lovely.  I am a bachelorette myself.  Would you take me to be your wife?

The Cat agreed and with that there came joy and celebrations.

The next day The Fox went out to pick up some food.  The Cat stayed home.  The Fox was running around all day, out and about, hunting and picking, searching and sneaking.  She even caught a duck.

On her way home, The Fox bumped into The Wolf.
- Hey, The Fox, - said The Wolf, - give me your duck!
- No, I won’t give you my duck, - The Fox answered.
- Well, I’ll take it from you then.
- If you do anything like that, my Sir Cat Meowstrong will rip you into pieces, - warned The Fox.
- And who might Sir Cat Meowstrong be? – asked The Wolf.
- Didn’t you hear?  He comes from the Siberian forests to be a warrior in ours.  I used to be The Fox bachelorette, but now I am a true warrior’s wife.
- No, I haven’t heard, Mrs. Meowstrong.  Would it be possible to have at least one look at him? - The Wolf wondered.
- Hmm, I don’t know really.  My Sir Cat Meowstrong has bad temper.  If he doesn’t like someone, he eats them right up!  You should cook some lamb and bring it over.  Leave the meat where we can see it and hide in the bushes, so he wouldn’t see you.  Otherwise, you are a dead man!

The Wolf ran off to get the lamb.  The Fox went on to her cottage.

Suddenly, there came The Bear.
- Stop right there, The Fox.  Who is this duck for? - Asked The Bear, - give it to me!
- You should go on your merry way or else I’ll have to tell my Sir Cat Meowstrong – he will rip you into pieces, - warned The Fox.
- Who is Sir Cat Meowstrong? – asked The Bear.
- Didn’t you hear?  He comes from the Siberian forests to be a warrior in ours.  I used to be The Fox bachelorette, but now I am a true warrior’s wife.
- Oh, how can I meet him? - The Bear wondered.
- Hmm, I don’t think it’s a good idea.  My Sir Cat Meowstrong has bad temper.  If he doesn’t like someone, he eats them right up!  You should cook some beef and bring it over.  Leave the meat where we can see it and hide in the bushes, so he wouldn’t see you.  Otherwise, you are a dead man!

The Bear ran off to get the beef.  The Fox went on to her cottage.

At the dusk, The Wolf brought his sheep, tore the skin off and stopped to collect his thoughts, when he saw The Bear with a cow.
- Hello, Misha The Bear.
- Hello, Buddy The Wolf.  Did you see The Fox with her Sir Cat Meowstrong?
- Not yet, Misha, - said The Wolf, - I’m waiting for them myself.
- Why don’t you go talk to them, Buddy The Wolf? – Suggested The Bear.
- No, I can’t – I’m way too slow.  You should go talk to them, - The Wolf said.
- No, I won’t go, - The Bear refused, - I am too fuzzy and clumsy. 

Suddenly, they saw The Hare passing by. The Wolf and The Bear called,
- Hey, Squinty The Hare, come over here!

The Hare stopped, folded his ears.
- You are fast and handy, so go to The Fox’s house.  Tell her that Misha The Bear and Buddy The Wolf are here, ready to meet her husband, Sir Cat Meowstrong.  Say that we are ready to present them with some lamb and some beef.

The Hare ran to The Fox’s  house as fast as he could, while The Bear and The Wolf were looking for hiding spots.  The Bear climbed up a pine tree.  The Wolf hid in the bushes, covered with the dry leaves.  The Bear was looking intently from the top of the tree.  He did not want to miss The Fox and Sir Cat Meowstrong. 

The Hare came to The Fox’s house and proclaimed,
- The Bear and The Wolf sent me to tell you that they were waiting for you and your husband.  They want to present you with some lamb and some beef.
- Go tell them we’ll be right there.

So, The Fox and The Cat came out of their house and walked to get their presents.  The Bear saw them from afar and whispered to The Wolf,
- The warrior seems a bit too small…

Before The Bear could finish his sentence, The Cat saw the meet.  His fur bristled up, his claws came out.  He started ripping the meat with his teeth and his claws, all while purring madly and loudly.

- He is not very big, but his appetite is enormous!  - The Bear said to The Wold, who was still hiding in the bushes, covered with a pile of dry leaves.  The four animals of our size could eat all the meat, but for him this is not enough.  I’m afraid he’ll get to us too.

The Wolf got very curious.  He tried to peek, but he could see nothing through the leaves.  So, The Wolf carefully moved some leaves to the side.  The Cat heard the noise in the leaves and thought it was a mouse.  He jumped and clawed The Wolf right in his face.

Terrified, The Wolf set off running.

The Cat was startled, so he jumped on a tree, climbing higher and higher.  The tree was the same one where The Bear was hiding.

“Oh, no,” – thought The Bear, - “he saw me!”

With no time to climb down, The Bear loosened his paws and fell down to the ground, hitting his kidneys and back.  He gathered all the strength he had left to jump up and took off running.

The Fox yelled to The Wolf and The Bear,
- Run, run away before he gets you!

Since that time all animals in the forest were cautious about The Cat.  Meanwhile, The Fox and The Cat stocked up on meat to last them the long winter.  They lived happily ever after.


1 comment:

Mickey said...

I think this is my favorite.